The Association Gymnastique Volontaire offers a range of activities adapted to each individual's physical abilities, taught by two regularly-trained, qualified salaried instructors.
Classes are held in an atmosphere of conviviality, good humor and mutual respect.
-Moreau Postural Stretching classes
-Gymnastics and gentle gymnastics classes
-Pilates classes
-Acti'marche classes
-Nordic Walking
-Cross Training classes
Instructors: Marie Gabrielle POMPEI and Aline RAFFY
President: Claude NOEL 06 11 75 66 02
Vice-President: Jacqueline GERON 06 81 69 81 27
Secretary: Katy CROISSANT06 75 92 10 35
Treasurer: Bernard CROISSANT
Classes run from Monday to Saturday, excluding school vacations and public holidays, from around mid-September to the third week in June, depending on the calendar.
Dieulefit gymnasium or outside, depending on the activity.